Avengers Forever 5

From the 50s to the Old West

What is it about my attraction to 1950s Marvel? Maybe because there is no 1950s Marvel. They were called Timely back in the 40s and they never hit their current stride until Lee and Kirby published FF 1 in 1962. But there is a group of heroes associated with the pre-FF days. You can get a glimpse of them in the pages of the excellent Agents of Atlas series and you can get a glimpse of them here, in issue 5 of Avengers Forever.

Marvel Boy is here and so is the Human Robot and Venus. Only the 3-D Man is new to me. Yes, its another timejump for our Avengers.

We have another era in these pages, the Old West of Marvel where we see the Black Rider, Reno Jones and Kid Cassidy among others.

One of the best things about Avengers Forever is that the storyline gives us a mini-tour of the Marvel universe.

Posted by  Pete Albano - January 14, 2012

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Avengers movie trailer :


1 : Destiny Made Manifest

2 : Now Is The Time For All Good Men

3 : City At The Heart Of Forever

4 : Running Out Of Time

5 : Past Imperfect Future Tense

6 : In the Meantime the In-Between Times

7 : Into A Limbo Large and Broad

8 : The Secret History of the Avengers

9 : Break: Reflections of the Conqueror

10 : Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow

11 : The Destiny War

12 : Avengers Assemble

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