I don't have a single critique against Demon Knights. Not one. Feedback on the internet was that this was among the better new 52 offerings. I got it, read it with utter enjoyment, and finished it wanting more.
I love how it's set in the Dark Ages - a period I love to read about. I'm a fantasy junkie. I have some familiarity with DC history; enough so characters like Vandal Savage and Etrigan/Jason Blood tap into my knowledge base. All of this plays to the strengths of Demon Knights.
The art? Check out this panel.
Excellent details abound. One of them is shown below. The lady is Madame Xanadu -yes, that Madame Xanadu - revealed here as one of the ladies who were to take Arthur to Avalon. The Demon, is, of course, Etrigan; and these two are having an affair behind the back of Jason Blood. The book is just full of tremendous details like this.
Posted by Pete Albano - January 1, 2012
DC Comics: The New 52
Demon Knights (2011) comic books
The New 52 trailer from DC :