The New Teen Titans 5

Vic Stone went through hell and came out wiser - but that freakin' temper!

Maybe the reason Curt Swan did the art on issue 5 is so George Perez can use the time to really focus on some awesome issue 6 art. At least I'm hoping that's the reason. For those of you who don't know, Curt Swan is the Superman artist of the 70s and early 80s. Every issue of Action Comics I picked up at the time it's Curt Swan. So he must be good right? Well, err, hmmm. I've always noticed that Swan makes drawing his simple figures seem effortlessly easy. That's the best I can manage about Swan's art. I also noticed that Swan's small panels give the impression of packing the issue with a lot of story.

For me, the big event here is Cyborg. What with his hatred of what he'd become, Vic Stone has become a bit one dimensional during the last issues. But not here. Wolfman "deepens" Cyborg with the characterizations throughout issue 5. He almost upstages this issues big event.

And that big event is Trigon's arrival. This guy is so powerful I'm wondering how the Titan's will survive.

Posted by  Pete Albano - February 1, 2012

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