The New Teen Titans 7

Vic Stone loves his Dad after all

Trigon already got rid of Psimon last issue. It's plain stupid of Dr. Light to bring him back to the Fearsome Five; all these, after Psimon challenged his leadership of the Five. A telepath is just too dangerous for everybody else on the team. This is a really dumb move from the Doctor. That said, it's nice seeing the Fearsome Five again; they're a very colorful group.

The mystery of who gave Titan's Tower to the Titans - and why - is resolved.

This issue is really about three things. The aforementioned Tower, Raven and Cyborg. We get a great schematic of the Tower showing the rooms and such. Cyborg's origin, hinted at up to this point, is told in full; continuing Wolfman's very successful fleshing out of this then-new hero. All this bears fruit - Cyborg makes it to the JLA lineup in The New 52 after all.

I like the focus on Raven the best. I love her non-aggresive power : Raven can absorb the pain, illness, or damage of another person and make it go away. The catch is she has to go through it for a brief time before letting it go. She's like a super-medic; really great addition to the team.

Posted by  Pete Albano - February 2, 2012

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