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A Guide To Spider-Man Comics

The 1960s

The monster comic Amazing Adult Fantasy wasn't doing very well. Martin Goodman, the publisher of Marvel Comics decided to cancel the series.  The final issue presented the very first Spider-Man story from editor/scripter Stan Lee and artist/plotter Steve Ditko. Amazing Fantasy #15  was published in August 1962 and would start the career of the amazing Spider-Man.

The success of Spider-Man wasn't enough to save Amazing Fantasy but it was enough to give Spider-Man his own comic.Amazing Spider-Man #1 was published on March 1963. This is the core Spider-Man comic and has enjoyed continuous publication since.

The 1970s

In March 1972, Marvel published Marvel Team-Up, a comic which paired Spider-Man with different characters from the Marvel Universe.

Marvel would add Spectacular Spider-Man in December 1976. The early issues focused on Peter Parker's life as a college student in Empire State University.

The 70s end with Amazing Spider-Man, Marvel Team-Up and Spectacular Spider-Man making up the Spider-Man family of books.

The 1980s

The last issue of Marvel Team-Up was #150, cover dated February 1985. This series was replaced by Web of Spider-Man, the first issue hit the shelves on April 1985.

The 1990s

Another series, simply called Spider-Man, was added in August 1990, giving fans a choice of four books from the Spider-Man family: Amazing Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, Web of Spider-Man, and Spider-Man.

Web of Spider-Man ended in October 1995 with issue #129.

In 1998, Marvel decides to restart the entire Spider-Man line as part of the Heroes Reborn initiative that affected a number of Marvel's books. Spectacular Spider-Man was concluded with issue #263 in November 1998. The last issue of Spider-Man was #98 dated December 1998.

Even the flagship Amazing Spider-Man was temporarily concluded with #441 in November 1998 and restarted in January 1999 with issue #1. The new numbering would be dropped with issue #59, as the series went back to the old issue numbering - Amazing Spider-Man #500 hit the stands on December 2003 and is published to this day.

The 2000s

June 2004 sees the publication of Marvel Knights Spider Man. By issue #23 it would become Sensational Spider-Man. Publication would continue until issue #41 in December 2007.


The Best of Amazing Spider-Man

My Favorite Spectacular Spider-Man Comics

Profile : Spider-Man

Comicbook elements presented at are republished within a fair use context. Each  image is © by their creators or comics publisher

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