Age of Ultron |
Avengers vs. X-Men |
Fear ItselfRead the review |
SiegeRead the review |
World War HulkRead the review |
Civil WarRead the review |
House of MRead the review |
Avengers Disassembled |
Infinity War (Marvel Comics) |
Infinity Gauntlet |
Atlantis Attacks Omnibus |
Secret Wars OmnibusRead the review |
Contest of Champions |
I want to see more Marvel Event comics I feel that Marvel Events go in for lot of undeserved flack. A lot of collectors deride them as money making schemes. Well, of course they are. Marvel is, after all, a business. But just like any business they have to offer value for money. So the Events must be something worthy of all the hype Marvel puts out. And, I think, by and large, Marvel Events do live up to the hype. These storylines are big, they involve a LOT of Marvel characters. Sometimes they signal an important change in the Marvel universe. And, most importantly, they command the services of the finest artist and writers available at the time. Marvel really invests in these stories so it is well worth getting collections of such things. That said, jumping into an event can get a bit confusing, some of them increasingly rely on a substantial familiarity with the Marvel universe. Unfortunate for new readers, yes, but I do beleive it can't be done any other way. There are other collections (Masterworks) for new readers who want to get up to speed. Events are for long time Marvel fans - this is like Christmas for those who spend part of their lives living in the Marvel universe. So pick one up and have a blast! |