Posted - June 24, 2014 | Updated : August 26, 2015
Amazing Spider-Man 663
The Return of Anti-Venom Part One
The issue starts with an impressive Anti-Venom intro panel.
". . . for all the poisons that plague the Earth I am your Anti-Venom". Wonderful stuff.
Anti-Venom is out to get Martin Li a.k.a. Mr. Negative.
I love the part about Li being the greatest sinner and the greatest saint both.
Anti-Venom looks monstrous enough but apparently there is something scarier than him.
The Wraith.
Here is another look at her.
Gorgeous full body shot by Guiseppe Camuncoli. I don't get what makes her look so fearsome.
She's obviously bulletproof but Anti-Venom looks much more intimidating - must be something
she says to the criminals, its very baffling.
For those reading Spider-Man for some time now, here's the biggest (best?) surprise of all:
The Wraith is
Jean DeWolff
I'm surprised. You're surprised. Anti-Venom is absolutely stunned.
Wow. Nothing more about Jean DeWolff in the rest of the issue, but that was plenty. Let's check
up on Peter
Camuncoli gives us this wonderful montage about Spider-Man being both an Avenger and a member
of the Future Foundation.
Peter Parker just got published in a scientific journal. How big a deal is this?
This big:
Spider-Man and Anti-Venom tangle in this issue and we are once again reminded that Peter's
powers go haywire when he's in close proximity to Brock. The tragedy is that both Spider-Man
and Anti-Venom are fighting the good fight.
This panel is a concise summary of the dynamics between Spider-Man, Anti-Venom and Martin Li.
Li is the real bad guy, the organized crime leader, Mr. Negative. Peter doesn't know that Li = Mr.
Negative. Brock does but no one trusts Anti-Venom. So this is a case of two good guys going at it
while the bad guy is off to the side. This makes every blow traded between Spidey and Anti-Venom
And that's it for the main story but we have a bonus tale.
Bonus Story: Infested Stage 4: Out of Nowhere
This backup tale should have been called "The Parker Luck" because it spends most of the pages
showing Spider-Man messing up as he goes about helping people.Just look at this panel.
Spider-Man has just come from "rescuing" an old woman from, what seemed to be, an ATM
robber - it turns out to be her grandson. Peter has a barely plausible string of these boo-boos
and hence the pose shown on the panel above. Spider-Man really is Everyman isn't he? That's
how I feel when I mess up - I feel the way Spider-Man looks in the panel above.
The infested part of the tale is very short and features a cameo from Cloak and Dagger.
What happens is: A drug dealer that Cloak and Dagger is accosting suddenly develops Spider-Man-like
agility. Evidently courtesy of this guy:
That's pretty much the "Infested" part.
The issue ends the right way with this beautiful panel of Spider-Man swinging off into the night.
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