Posted - July 27, 2014 | Updated : August 27, 2015
Marvel Team-Up 44
A Death In The Year Before Yesterday
We are greeted by a splash page of Moondragon.
Earth-born but raised in Titan by the same race that spawned Thanos and Starfox, Moondragon
is a psionic. She also has a haughty attitude that makes her an interesting read. And the outfit.
Let's not forget the outfit.
Can't have enough of that
As a matter of convenience - and slightly sloppy writing - Moondragon is directly transported
to 1692 Salem by one of the Scarlet Witches' hexbolts. Unlike before with Spider-Man whom the
hex bolt only transported to Doom's Castle with Doom's time machine doing the time-jumping
chores. Moondragon comes upon an ongoing story.
Long story short, all of our protagonists have fallen to the power of one Dark Rider. The
Rider is a form of vampire and he is now in the act of siphoning off each of his captives'
powers. Without furter ado, Moondragon launches an impressive mental asssault.
The other's start reviving and we have this dialogue balloon filled panel where writer
Bill Mantlo goes for a a one panel summary of the last three issues courtesy of
Now it is Dark Rider's turn to counter.
That vampiric blast doesn't seem to "give" but to "take" - truly a vampire-like attack.
Now, preparing to enter the fray - one Victor Von Doom!
Doctor Doom's attack is very impressive.
The others start attacking in turn but it is Moondragon who delivers the coup de grace.
No fancy strategies, no clever machinations, the storyline just kept adding opponents beginning
three issues back until the Dark Rider succumbed to superior fire power. A straightforward yet
entertaining storyline that effectively showcased several Marvel characters (Scarlet Witch, Vision,
Doctor Doom and Moondragon). And that's the basic purpose of Marvel Team-Up; to use Spider-Man's
popularity to feature other characters in particular and the
Marvel Universe
in general.
The issue ends in a ghastly historical note, as Spider-Man is witness to the unjust
results of the
Salem Witch Trials
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