Star Wars CollectablesSideshow Collectibles Star Wars 18" Imperial Snowtrooper Premium Format FigureAvailable from Amazon . Star Wars Stormtroopers are iconic, I doubt if there is a ComicCon of respectable size that doesn't have at least a couple of them marching around. The Snowtrooper are less recognizable and therein lies the appeal of this Premium Format Figure. The Snowtrooper is less common and will therefore tend to stand out. The quality of this piece is another plus. As you can see Snowtroopers, arctic Stormtroopers really, have both goggles and distinctive breathing masks. This statue has a belt, pouches and a kama skirt made of fabric. The Snowtroooper carries another iconic piece - the E-11 Blaster. That thing he's standing on is an Ektoan Class 4T3 Power Generator. This limited edition figure is an officially licensed Star Wars item. The first clones served as the first Stormtroopers. Under the Galactic Empire the Stormtroopers transitioned from clones to natural beings. It is a testament to Django Fett, that as natural beings replaced clones Stormtrooper effectiveness went down a bit. Contrary to popular belief, the Stormtroopers were not the regular Imperial soldiers - they were elite troops. I write this with some amusement since Stormtroopers have become famous as soldiers whom you can count on to miss every target they aim at - a reputation stemming from the early Star Wars films. Snowtroopers are nothing more but Stormtroopers modified for cold climes. Insulated suits, heated breathing apparatus, reinforced boots and survival backpacks are some of the modifications done to change Stormtrooper to Snowtrooper. I want it! I want to see other Star Wars collectables More Star Wars goodies for the Star Wars fan |