Tarot Witch of the Black Rose 1

Jim Balent's Tarot begins!

I came across Tarot being erroneously described as porn comics. It has sexy imagery but its not porn. Beautiful art, no doubt about it. But anatomically incorrect. Why? Because its too perfect; so perfect its almost abstract. The art is aesthetically beautiful but it lacks earthiness. Earthiness would make it real. Making it real would make it sexy. Still, I'm recommending this because of the Balent art.

The story is very camp. Very 90s Image-style. I did like the creativity of the ghosts in the cemetery actually talking to the groundskeeper to protect them from grave robbers. Again, the art from that part is fantastic. I just wish Tarot wasn't so well-endowed, she looks a bit unwieldy.

I like the fact that this is from Broadsword Comics; I dread the day when the only thing we see on the horizon is the Big Two.

Posted by  Pete Albano - January 7, 2012

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